Dark eldar reaper rules
Dark eldar reaper rules

dark eldar reaper rules

T EMPEST S QUAD Parts: Dark Eldar Warriors, Eldar Guardians, old Guardian plastic arms, additional pistols and blades.

dark eldar reaper rules

On one other miniature I chose to swap the katana to the right hand and attach a splinter pistol in the left, just to add some extra variety to the squad. I chose to cut away the support holding the Banshee's raised leg, and lower the miniature so it was bent at a more severe angle, to bear similarity to the athletic poses of the standard Wyches - this required a minor bend of the pistol arm in the case of the miniature shown in the link below, to make the pistol point directly ahead. Cut the shuriken pistol from the Banshee and attach a plastic splinter pistol - if suitable parts are available, swap everything from the wrist. Notes: A simple conversion, as the Hellblade Wyches were invented solely in order to make use of the Howling Banshee miniatures, which bear quite some resemblance to Dark Eldar as they are. H ELLBLADE W YCHES Parts: Eldar Howling Banshee, Dark Eldar splinter pistol. Codex Lost Souls - Conversions C ODEX L OST S OULS C ONVERSIONS

Dark eldar reaper rules